Another Busy Summer


The reason that I have not been posting as often, isn’t because I don’t have things to share. In fact, it has been the opposite. I have so much going on! 2014 is turning out to be one of those whirlwind years. Continue reading

Biking Grand Island


I swear I will never complain about the cold again! It has been in the 90’s up here in Marquette for the past few days and it is unbearable… We have been keeping cool by jumping in Lake Superior everyday and doing other fun water sports. We went kayaking down the AuTrain River with about 150 people on the 4th of July. It was fun but crowded. We also went sailing and paddle boarding last week.

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Road Trip – Camden, Maine

We made it to Maine! The main destination of our road trip was Maine. We kept hearing about how amazing it was from friends and Nic really wanted a fresh lobster. 😉 It was a beautiful state; reminded us a lot of the Upper Peninsula.



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Road Trip – NJ to Vermont


It was a long and rainy drive from New Jersey to Northern Vermont. We didn’t take into account that we left on Friday afternoon on Memorial Day weekend, and the traffic in the East is horrible! What was expected to be a 6 hour drive, became almost 11. First, we had a hard time adjusting to the toll booths on the turnpikes. There are express card lanes and there are cash-only lanes. Of course we were on the far left lane, when the cash lane was on the far right. Just try merging through 8 lanes of heavy traffic to get far right! People were hitting our cars with their mirrors, our bikes were getting bumped on the back of the car, and we had a few panic attacks. Luckily Nic was driving through all of this while I navigated. Once we got into Connecticut, traffic came to a halt. It was bumper to bumper as far as the eye could see….for over 2 hours. I literally could have walked faster than the rate we were moving on the highway. I promise that I will never complain about lunch hour traffic in Marquette again!  Continue reading

Weekend in the Woods

Nic and I took a little weekend getaway to Canada. My parents kindly met us in Mackinaw City to take the dogs off our hands. We enjoy taking the dogs with us on trips, but we were bringing paddleboards and I didn’t want to leave them in the car. The weather on the drive was amazing. We drove through black storm clouds and ended up with some great rainbows. We arrived in Sault Ste. Marie, ON around 7 pm and did our grocery shopping. Is it just me, or does food and beer in Canada seem much more expensive?

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It’s getting hot in here.

Life has been pretty rough in the U.P…… I think that I have been on my bike everyday since the beginning of June. Both mountain biking and just biking around town. Nic and I went for a nighttime cruise on the bikes around downtown Marquette last night. Between the full moon, fireworks off the beach and the heat lightning in the distance, the sky was lit with energy. The weather has been very hot lately (high 80’s and 90’s), but luckily we have been getting some good rainstorms at night. My garden is loving it. The dogs are not loving it so much. We put the air conditioner in the bedroom to keep them cool.  Continue reading