Road Trip – Quebec City

Well, we went from Michigan to New Jersey, and then made our way up to Maine. Now we had to start heading back to Michigan and we opted to take the Northern route and go through Canada. I had always wanted to go to Quebec City. Nic had been there before when he was a tour guide, and he said it was really cool.

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Road Trip – Acadia National Park & Baxter State Park


On to the next leg of the road trip! We spent the last few days in Camden, Maine, where I gained a very handsome fiance. 🙂 Next, we headed North in the cold rain to Acadia National Park. Continue reading

Road Trip – Camden, Maine

We made it to Maine! The main destination of our road trip was Maine. We kept hearing about how amazing it was from friends and Nic really wanted a fresh lobster. 😉 It was a beautiful state; reminded us a lot of the Upper Peninsula.



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Road Trip – New Hampshire


If you have never been to the White Mountains in New Hampshire, make sure you go there. We had no idea what to expect when we drove up to it on the highway from Northeastern Vermont. It was the end of May and the first thing we saw when entering the highway, was a “Winter Storm Warning”. And they weren’t kidding. There was over 4 inches of fresh snow and it was barely above freezing temps. The second thing that we noticed, was that the mountains were actually quite HUGE. Much more that what I would expect for any mountain in the East.  Continue reading

Road Trip – NJ to Vermont


It was a long and rainy drive from New Jersey to Northern Vermont. We didn’t take into account that we left on Friday afternoon on Memorial Day weekend, and the traffic in the East is horrible! What was expected to be a 6 hour drive, became almost 11. First, we had a hard time adjusting to the toll booths on the turnpikes. There are express card lanes and there are cash-only lanes. Of course we were on the far left lane, when the cash lane was on the far right. Just try merging through 8 lanes of heavy traffic to get far right! People were hitting our cars with their mirrors, our bikes were getting bumped on the back of the car, and we had a few panic attacks. Luckily Nic was driving through all of this while I navigated. Once we got into Connecticut, traffic came to a halt. It was bumper to bumper as far as the eye could see….for over 2 hours. I literally could have walked faster than the rate we were moving on the highway. I promise that I will never complain about lunch hour traffic in Marquette again!  Continue reading

NYE in Chicago

It seems that the only things keeping me motivated lately are my little mini-vacations. It is nice having something to look forward to. Although I love where I live, and can be happy just hanging out at my house, it is nice to get out of town and experience something new every once in a while.

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Post Cleanse

It has been almost 2 weeks since we ended our little body cleanse. I thought that I would tell you guys that I haven’t indulged in pop yet, which is a big feat for me. I am just not craving it like I used to before the cleanse. I have also noticed that certain foods make me feel awful. After I eat pizza or a big sandwich, I cramp up. My stomach feels like crap for a couple of hours afterwards. I think that cheese is something that my body rejects also. I feel very lazy and don’t want to move after I eat it. We haven’t bought milk since the cleanse ended either. Since we mainly use milk for only cooking, we have been keeping coconut and rice milk around. It is working great and I find that it doesn’t go bad as fast as normal milk.  Continue reading

Mexico Day Siete

Day seven started bright and early with a yoga class headed by Leon, the owner of Organic Yoga in Akumal, Mexico. Leon has a separate hut for yoga lessons, complete with mats. It was cool to do yoga in the middle of the jungle. Nic and I practice yoga a few times a month, but we are not pros. Claudia, Leon’s live-in worker from Italy also joined us, as well as his chihuahua. The class was relaxing and it really helped stretch out my back. Nic and I both have back problems. At one point, when we were doing downward dog, the little chihuahua thought it would be great fun to play with my hair. It is hard to concentrate with a little puppy licking and chewing your face, but it brought some laughs. Leon had us doing headstands (which I am not very good at) and Nic even tried the scorpion, which is a very hard pose. Continue reading

Mexico Day Cinco

Bacalar really stole our hearts.

When we woke up, we decided to go kayaking before it was too windy on the lake. It seemed that it was calm in the morning and just go windier as the day progressed. Villas Ecotucan had kayaks that you could borrow, so we put on our suits and went down to the water. It was a tandem kayak with a flat bottom, and the waves were already forming, so paddling was kind of hard. Continue reading